Monday, September 13, 2010

week 2 prompts

Week 2 promps

The man who no one knew lives at the end of the road. He lives simply with no indoor plumbing and only minimal electrical things. His clothes are usually dirty and he does not shave. He raises most of his food in a large field he has at the opposite end of the road. He lives in a tar paper sided, two story, 15 by 15 house he affectionately calls “ The Black Shack” There are several structures on his land, a wood shed, a home built sauna and “The Shed”. “The Shed” a small building with a shop downstairs and a small apartment upstairs. Totally out of place is the satellite internet dish attached to the upstairs porch railing. There is no running water in the house and has a single piece of Romex wire strung to it from “ The Shed”. He drives up and down the quarter mile long road all day. So ofter that my kids know it is him coming up the road before they see him because of the unique squeaking his car makes. Last season he took me down to his field to show me his garden. He boasted about being totally organic and his special compost the he makes by mixing in small bits of lobster shells he collects from local restaurants run through a chipper. This year I saw him spraying weed killer between the rows of potatoes. My kids and I helped him pick potatoes last season and the whole time we were in his field he was listening to WERU on the radio and preaching some very liberal viewpoints. Yesterday, as he drove down the road with his window down, I could hear him listening to Rush Limbaugh, laughing and yelling “YES BROTHER, YES!” This man is a walking contradiction. The wives on the road gossip and wonder what his story is. I heard that he is from a very affluent family “ from away” and that they pay him to stay away. Quite a contrast for a man who washes in a stream behind his house. I don't care because he is a good neighbor. He is free spirited. He is kind and caring. He is smart and interesting. He is good to my kids and my wife. He works like a mule and has tangible products of his work. He is very complex and I don't think I will ever “know” him but I like and admire him. He is still my friend.

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